Malaysia: Rape Statistic 2000-2005, by State

Surprisingly I found more on the breakdown of rape statistic according to state, via the website of Minister of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia.

State 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Johor 194 234 235 312 323 324
Kedah 110 123 132 119 127 163
Kelantan 52 74 70 66 82 90
KualaLumpur 67 97 120 77 116 110
Melaka 43 43 57 67 100 78
NegeriSembilan 59 82 62 69 89 97
Pahang 74 79 79 70 102 84
Perak 91 79 100 118 121 148
Perlis 12 10 13 11 21 26
PulauPinang 61 75 73 70 89 71
Sabah 109 94 115 111 149 156
Sarawak 81 79 77 71 94 117
Selangor 216 269 253 280 294 368
Trengganu 48 48 45 38 58 99

By absolute number, Johor has the highest number of rape cases reported, especially for the recent 3 years: over 300 cases reported per year. On the other hand, Selangor seeing a great jump from 294 cases in year 2004 to 368 cases for year 2005. The lowest number of rape cases reported among the states are: Perlis (average 15.5 cases), Trengganu (average 56.0 cases) and Melaka (64.7 cases). However, base on the different population of each state, it is more meaning to compare the rape cases normalized to population for each state (year 2005), as shown below:

State (rape cases per 100 000 pop.) 

Penang – 4.8
Sarawak – 5.1
Sabah – 5.3
Pahang – 5.9
Kelantan – 6.0
Perak – 6.6
Kuala Lumpur – 7.1
Selangor – 7.8
Kedah – 8.8
Trengganu – 9.7
Negeri Sembilan – 10.3
Johor – 10.4
Melaka – 10.9
Perlis – 11.6

Penang has the lowest number of rape cases per 100 000 pop. among Malaysia’s states, followed by Sabah and Selangor. Despite of having high number of rape cases reported in Selangor, the high population of Selangor 4.736 million could explain the high count of cases as well. On the other hand, small population state like Perlis (224500)  has 11.6 rape cases per 100 000 pop., followed by Melaka 10.9 and Johor 10.4 cases per 100 000 pop. per year.

Picture: Kamogawa Night View

Kamogawa 13.08.2007, originally uploaded by micpohling.

Near our place, Kamogawa 13.08.2007