Quote: Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell:

No one gossips about other people’s secret virtues.

Firstly, is it true? 😉
Secondly, why?

Norway Teenage Abortions 1980 – 2005

Teenage (aged 15-19) abortions in Norway from year 1980 to 2005:

a) % teenage abortions out of total abortions
b) Teenage abortions rate (per 1000 women aged 15-19)

Source: Statistic Norway

Picture: My Breakfast

Breakfast at … Hiroshima 17.09.2007, originally uploaded by micpohling.

My luxury breakfast at Hiroshima morning, courtesy of my parent-in-law 🙂 Mikko and I won’t spend that much on breakfast, normally we make it brunch (breakfast + lunch), save money! 😉 But in actual, this is not that expensive than its look: cost about 700 yen (~RM21)…